Join our Buddy Team

Are you interested in meeting international students? Then join our Buddy Team! You get to meet amazing people from all around the world. You can give them a tour of Graz, give them an insight into styrian culture, and go on trips together. In exchange, you gain international friends, get to know new cultures, and maybe even learn something new about your own country.

News and important Dates

No upcoming Events!

How to become a local buddy?

  1. Create an account on our HTU Website
    • You will need a picture to sign up.
    • On the registration page select that “I’m a: Mentor (Buddy)”
    • ESN Buddy applications for other Universities also happen at the same HTU Website!
  2. Wait for us to review your account; sometimes this might take a few days since we are volunteers who are doing this in our free time.
  3. You will receive a mail with login information.
  4. Important: Sometimes the login information fails to send, please go to “request new password” if you don’t get any mail after a week!
  5. Login with your new credentials.
  6. Create a Mentor Application for the coming semester.
  7. You will be notified as soon as our team members have verified your application, and once your buddy group is ready!
  8. Once an incoming student joins your buddy group you will get an E-Mail!

Please join one of our Buddy Onboarding Events to get further information and learn how to be a buddy!

The dates will be available here:


To receive 2 ECTS and the Buddy Certificate at the end of the semester you have to:

  • Participate in the Intercultural Awareness Session for Buddies Seminar
  • Prove that you were a helpful buddy
  • Give us feedback