Type 0 (flip flops)
No way. You are not allowed to join any hike with these shoes (You can only use them for bathing trips).
Type 0 (normal shoes & high heels)
No way. These shoes are not made for walking on tracks (these are shoes for asphalt/tarmac!). You are not allowed to join any hike with these shoes.
Type A (general sport shoes)
- made for sports like ball games, running
- supposed to be used on artificial grounds (asphalt,tarmac,concrete or tartan tracks on sport fields) or well prepared walking tracks
- sole has a rather flat profile
- usually not water-proof so only suitable for dry weather conditions
Type B-1 (trail running shoes)
- made for running
- supposed to be used on tracks (unprepared terrain, no asphalt/tarmac)
- sole has a visible profile
- depend on the weather condition: they should be water-proof if there is any chance of wet conditions
Type B-2 (easy hiking shoes)
- made for hiking
- supposed to be used on tracks (unprepared terrain, no asphalt/tarmac)
- sole has a visible profile
- have special soles made for hiking which have a good grip on stones (even when they are wet) (like vibram™©®, contagrip™©®)
- may be stiffer than running shoes
- usually available as water-proof version (if yours are not water-proof they can only be used for perfect weather conditions)
Type C (mountain, alpine)
- made for mountaineering
- high shaft to protect your ankles
- stable (and might be quite stiff as well)
- sole has deeper profile
- have special soles made for hiking which have a good grip on stones (even when they are wet) (like vibram™©®, contagrip™©®)
Type D (High mountain, alpin shoes, glacier)
- made for mountaineering
- high shaft to protect your ankles
- stable and a rather stiff (usually hard leather)
- designed to be used with crampons (climbing irons)
- sole has deeper profile
- have special soles made for hiking which have a good grip on stones (even when they are wet) (like vibram™©®, contagrip™©®)
- These are normally not needed for our events are are not recommended (unless you have no others and are used to them, then go ahead and bring them along)